Stocks and Crypto Research
- Tech Stack: Python, scikit-learn, numpy, pandas, Tensorflow, keras
- Github URL: Project Link
This research includes the News and Tweet's Sentiment Analysis and trying the predict and forcast the stock and crypto's price.
News Analysis
The news is scraped directly from `Google`, and all the out unwanted URLs are striped out.
This is scraped out news is then summarized using `Pegasus` Model.
`Flair` Sentiment Analysis is used to find the sentiment of the summarized News.
Tweet Analysis
The Tweet are scraped directly from Twitter using the `snscrape` module.
With some preprocessing steps we clean the tweets.
`Flair` Library is used to find the sentiment of the Tweets.
`Yahoo Finanace` library is used to get the historical data of the required Stock.
Comparing our tweet sentiments against real stock data.